Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sing Along with Mr. Mraz

Jason Mraz, a fun guy.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Simple Abundance

This is why i didn't read my Simple Abundance entry today.

Elaine Grace decided it was a splendid day to garden in the house plants.

These are the types of messes that take me days, even weeks to get to.
Although I may have to put a rush on this one because I'm really
enjoying this book.

Really, it is full of reminders that we need to hear and live every day
like to be present in each moment and be full of gratitude.

Much Love!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mama Bird Needs to Sew

At one point, sewing may have only been a "want" of mine, but it's since
been relocated to the "need" column with a growing pile of clothes
begging to be mended, the current fabric basket spilling over with
fabrics waiting to be used and two nights ago, I cut up some old skirts
& a crib sheet to make some reusable cloth napkins that are still
sitting on my ironing board waiting their turn. They've been moved a
couple of times by Dreg who regularly uses the ironing board to host his

Do you like my ironing board cover? It's from Hestia Houseworks and wasmy xmas present from Dreg. Wow - how did he ever know to get me that?

Oh yeah - because I picked it out and demanded that it show up under the
tree! Thanks lovie!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Close Your Eyes

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Karma Tree Appliqué

Little Mars is admiring the sweetest gift from Michele at Under the Bodhi Tree Designs that also has the coolest darn appliqué ever!  Hooray for talented Mamas!

I just love the Karma Tree - It's almost too cute to use, but we'll spit all over it anyways I'm sure - eh Marlie?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Octo - Fabulous Necklace

My new favorite goodie is this pink octopus necklace from Delicious Hobo.

Isn't he so cool?

The maker, Kathryn from, is super talented and you'll be able to win
some of her work next month in the All Natural Me Blog.


Just minutes a day to a younger prettier you!!

I confess, I actually wanted this gift. Thanks Dreg for feeding the
vanity in me! Mama turns 31 this year so really, it's time for
Facercise! Show me the ways Master Maggio -

What is even more of a gift to me, is seeing my mother's face in this
picture. We were both making fun of my gift, but she takes the gold
with that look!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fairies in the Fog

My upstairs window is permanently fogged up between the glass and even
if I could see out to the front of the complex, the scenic view is a
drag to look at anyways, so i thought I'd tape up all the sweet little
stained glass fairies that Ayden and I colored - hmm, I don't know -
maybe last year or the year before. Hmmm, how long ago was that??

Okay, now I'm stuck in chronological thought.

The point is, they were not being appreciated at all being stuck in the
coloring book so even if taping them to the window is just the beginning
of their end, at least they are now being loved.

Wish I was napping with you....

Not in sweat pants!

I believe the first step in postpartum recovery is to at least get

Even if it was the same outfit that you wore yesterday!

Marlie Paige is a great little lady to hang out with...

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Oh where, oh where has my positive parenting gone?

Seriously, Mama has been sucking ass this past month. Have I completely forgotten how to do it?

Granted I've had major surgery, 2 episodes of mastitis and very little sleep with the new babe but come on Sadie - get with it. I am so sick of being grumpy and feeling annoyed with everything and everyone. Even though I internalize most of it, I am really bothered by not being the positive mommy (and person) I know I can be.

Not feeling well is so detrimental to me. And I don't know about your family, but around here, no one does well when Mama doesn't feel well. Everyone seems to be extra needy, whiny or grumpy themselves. And without me guiding the way, a peaceful rhythm is hard to keep.

Each night I think, tomorrow I will feel better and it will all click in and fall into place and I will return my home to cleanliness, and cooperation will return to our schooling, and the little ones will be happy and content and the babe's diaper rash shall disappear and Super Mom will return and will feel great enough to do it all.

Super Mom - come back!!!!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Slacking ass in 2009 already.

And that's a good thing!

I think I have the same damn resolutions that I have every year - to generally improve myself and become a better person, get organized in my home to manifest an effortlessly clean abode, be the best darn Mama ever, get into shape, be able to touch my toes, eat fabulously, juice more and this is my new one - drink more tea.

Seriously, I need to lay off the hot cocoa.

December News! Our family has grown to include a wee little one - Marlie Paige - who is such a sweetie girl. I'm relishing in bliss (and poop) and really loving it all. I think knowing that this is my last one (double knot tubal ligation) certainly drives me to soak it up and APPRECIATE the magic - something that we all need reminded to do on a moment to moment basis.

Ahhh.... breathe in.

2009 feels good.

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