Yesterday, I was so excited to get out and have a 1/2 day to myself ~ I drove up to St. Marys, PA to attend a women's workshop in environmental health...Very interesting. They had awesome speakers with great information! I wish I could've taken you with me - seriously - because today, I am having trouble recalling all the cool things I wanted to tell you about! And I didn't take a notepad with me because I am compulsive know-it-all and don't think I'll ever learn anything new. Ha!

Terry's into Green Chemistry and I learned a few new things about phthalates from this cool dude from Carnegie Mellon. In particular, he was talking about some interesting studies on the higher amounts of phthalates a pregnant woman is exposed to in relation to the size of her son's penis size. The more phthalates - the smaller the size.
Phthalates are found in cosmetics, perfume, plastics, bottles, hair spray and nail polish ~ ALL of the things I've avoided for years! So I'm sure my son will thank me for being an organic health natzi when he's older!
For more phthalate info - visit:
Penn Future was well represented in Elk County on Saturday with Heather Sage & Steffi Domike - Both of their presentations were very powerful and brought it home ~ literally.
First is that we need to buy GREEN POWER! In Pennsylvania, we can choose where we want our electric company to buy our electricity. We DO NOT WANT our electricity to come from coal-fired power plants as they are dirty bastards and release MAJOR amounts of Mercury into the air which then goes into our streams, fish and water supply.
So plug into CLEAN electricity! You can do it online ~ Super Easy!
Just visit and make the switch to green energy today! You'll be surprised at all the companies you can choose from! And my props to Heather for reminding us that the cleanest watt of energy is the one we don't use! So turn off some lights and that damn TV!!
Steffi is also the CHE-Penn Coordinator and she recommends the CHE website:

Other great highlights from the workshop include research from a doctor on certain chemicals that basically *F* with estrogen - plastics, phthlates, pesticides and artificial colors - and how they mimic or elevate estrogen and can all be factors in creating cancer and particularly breast cancer.

Dan didn't beat around the bush at all - he covered many interesting and controversial topics mentioning fluoride in drinking water, pesticides being sprayed around our water supply and what the heck was our problem with dandelions!?! He even dropped a plug about immunizations and the outrageous rage of autism today.
I love it when people get fired up - it means they are paying attention!
Live Clean ~ Live Green ~
Live as a Natural Me!!
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