Sunday, January 18, 2004

I have a new friend!!!yyyyeeeeahhh. I think that puts me up to ...... 4 ? ok, so I haven't officially met her yet in person, but do you really have to physically meet a person in order to call them a friend? I hope not because then that brings my friend count WAY down!
So it turns out my new mama friend, Beth, and I have a lot in common. We both graduated from the same school, and both are into attachment parenting ~ co-sleeping, extended breastfeeding, no vaccinations. The no vax is a rarity here in western PA so it's real cool to find a mama who thinks for herself and isn't just brain washed by the highly advertised business of vaccination.

It'll be great to have a local mama! but right now, I'd like to give a "shout out" to my long distance mamas ~ Liz from NC - love you girl & give Skylar a kiss for me and the mama who gets ALL the daily Sadie updates whether she wants them or not ~ Lacey from OK - girl you rock! "I will call him squishy, and he will be mine."

I will only give future "shout outs" by request so if you feel you need a "shout out" from me ... give me a shout and I will shout you out.

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