Saturday, January 24, 2004

T.V. SUCKS ~ ~ Ok, I am so sick of the news and tv shows like 20/20 and 60 minutes portraying environmentalists like crazy loons! This one show tonite was using 1982 video shots of protestors screaming silly things like "We are breathing our last breaths of oxygen!!" to represent people who were against DDT and the Trash Epidemic .... ok then 20/20 ~ let's help support stereotypical behavior some more....shall we? Yes, all us crazy ass tree huggers who care about the environment are running around with our faces painted warning people at the top of our lungs to enjoy the last of the oxygen. yep. that's us. oh and that obnoxious reporter that jumped into the NY Hudson river to show how safe it was - I guarantee he went home and took a very long hot shower with tons of soap.
~ ~ Sleep tight everyone ~ the T.V. assures us ... EVERYTHING IS FINE.

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