icky thing going on inside of me ~ with major cramping plus a sinus/throat thing. The plan is to shake it by noon today. I have way to much stuff to do like getting the weekly ezine out and then recording a few posts in the Natural Me Fun Notes Audio Blog ~ Ezine Article Archive
I just want to skip everything and hide in bed but a Mama just can't do that with an ambitious 3 year old running around. So anyways, yesterday Ayden got his picture taken and he was SUCH A HAM ~ over posing and really having a good time with the camera. He was so cute! I gave him a haircut the night before and he looks so grown up without all his wild curls ~ I'm hoping they come back!
Ayden & Mommy MISS Daddy!!

Aren't they just too damn cute? I love it how Ayden closes his eyes just like his Mama ~ dang flash! So Daddy started working on the road back in July and it's been hard on everyone. It's tough not getting to see eachother and I know it's killing Daddy not to see his little guy everyday. Ayden's adjusting to only having a weekend dad and I'm impressed with his understanding of the concept of "daddy going to work". When daddy comes home, Ayden get so excited & overwhelmed with happiness sometimes he gets tears in his eyes from smiling so hard. It's sweet.
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