Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Huh. Canned Hunting in my back yard. Rathmel Run
Who knew? Well actually my girl Jan from the DTEGC ~ she told me about it a long time ago when I feature the Stop Canned Hunting website in a Fun Note Ezine. I didn't even know this place existed even though I had passed a sign for it a hundred times....

Hunting is serious business in western PA ~ just ask my uncles.
I think if you do eat meat, wild meat is typically healthier
than factory farmed flesh. I guess. Of course, I'm not sure if hunting preserves use antibiotics or hormones. I bet they use some hormones ~ to get those Big Racks that the guys & gals pay Big Bucks to shoot. Seriously, check out the prices!

If you've never heard of canned hunting or hunting preserves,
here's a website with more info on why they suck.

So, to end this post with something that doesn't suck at all and is quite wonderful,
check out my newest, most favorite musicians:
Follow No Trends

Be sure to listen to their music stream from the website.
They are AWESOME!!!!

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