Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Can I just get the shits and Get it over with?

That was my mantra yesterday as I enjoyed nasty intestinal cramps all day! I'm feeling so much better today because last night I DID have the grand finale to virus or bug my body was fighting off. Pleasant. I know...but I felt the need to share.

Now my next health hurdle to overcome is figuring out if my body is harboring WAY TOO MUCH YEAST. I just did a saliva test and it's looking like I'm yeasty. Weird because I don't get coochie infections but I have a lot of other yeast symptoms ~ coating on tongue, build-up on scalp, itchy butt, lack of energy, sensitivity to chemical smells and I am prone to getting fungal skin infections.

Yeast Overgrowth will be this weeks'
Fun Note Ezine if I ever get it started!

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