Sunday, July 25, 2004

WOW ~ I"M SO FREAKIN BUSY My poor deglected blog....soon it will end up just like my disappearing journal - you know a real tangible one like they used in the old days?

Last week, I literally walked into a PT job that is totally cool. Of course I have Natural Me, but I've always said I'd love a job that I could take Ayden to...well now I have one at WIC Care Stop! Another perk is I have a beautiful Natural Me Breastfeeding & Pregnancy table displayed there too. Hey you know how much I love plugging my site!

I'm going to be doing a web page for them under my server and have loads of other ideas to help bring in more business for Care and Natural Me! We definetly need it....arrrggghhh.

Karma Kards are booming!! of course I don't make squat from that -
actually I'm 200 bucks in the hole from the shipping, hemp and printing costs - I put the donation button up and a few 'Sponsers' have donated a total of 30 buckeroos! so i'm really only 170 in the hole now ~ hahaha. i'm tired so I've mistaken my ramblings for humorous.

I'm also starting a local DuBois karma kard string - i need to recruite this week and dig up the cool folks - i know they're out there....

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