Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mouth Yoga

I am trying to smile more. Really, even aside from reading it in "MOMfulness" by Denise Roy, I KNOW it needs to happen more. I catch glimpses of me in the mirror with my all too serious look that I often carry. What am I - trying to not get wrinkles?? Haha.

So I am trying to smile more about the little things - not just wait until something humorous hits me... because even then, it's more likely to be a smirky grin than a real smile.

I'm definitely a smirker (and in my genetics, a Smurker) with a dominance for my face to have the smirk more or only on the left side of my face.... are there any face readers here? I'm sure that means something like if your mouth has left side tendencies, you are most likely to be a self centered bitch who has incredible passions for recycling, dark chocolate and India food.

It sounds believeable.

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