Sunday, January 18, 2004

WOW!! I didn't log on ALL day! and it's after midnight so this doesn't count! I love it when you clean all day and it actually looks like it. I did some rearranging - trying to make my shoebox seem bigger.

My sweetie is hackin' his chest out downstairs so I just whipped him up some Aromatherapy Chest Lube of Thyme, Eucalyptus & Ginger in some goey stuff and I hope that shuts him up.

Update on my babe Ayden ~ his eyes are looking great but then today he was pulling on his ear and screaming so Mama had to whip out the homeopathic remedies, vitamin C, and homemade garlic oil which I put in his ear and rubbed on his feet. He wouldn't go for the warm cloth to his ear or the heating pad so my bare chest worked well and I held him all afternoon til he feel asleep for a long nap. And then he was ok. I am a miracle worker! I just hope the miracle is still kicking tomorrow.

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